Trasparenza vaccini: Pfizer conferma lo scambio, contro ogni regola di trasparenza su trattati che beneficiano di fondi comuni, di sms con i capi di Stato

All’audizione al Parlamento Europeo indetta dalla commissione speciale europea che sta indagando sulla trasparenza delle procedure contrattuali inerenti ai vaccini anti-Covid 19 la rappresentante di Pfizer Janine Small ha eluso moltissime domande o apertamente negato le risposte. Ha però confermato che il presidente di Pfizer, Albert Bourla, e lei stessa comunicano regolarmente con messaggi telefonici con i capi di Stato e leader globali sul tema dei vaccini e relativi contratti. I thank the Pfizer representative for eventually answering the question about text messages, confirming that there has been a dense exchange that still continues today. This is interesting news. But perhaps you are not aware that in the EU there are rules that regulate transparency, and transparency requires that negotiations as important for our legal system and European people’s lives such as Covid-19 vaccines contracts are, take place through official channels and documents that can be released and consulted, being accessible by all citizens and mostly by the European Parliament. Therefore, we take note of this communication of yours and we are sure that there will be a follow-up regarding the admission that this type of off-records direct communication with political leaders involving public money expenditure is the usual practice for your company. Regarding the clinical data, you refused to answer all the questions referring data that basically confirm what thousands of studies have found. Here, too, the lack of transparency on the side of your company about clinical trials preceeding the authorization for emergency use, clashes with your desire to gain people’s trust. I ask you, how do you think you can regain citizens’ trust if you don’t satisfy any request on transparency? Lastly, you speak about science, you say that Pfizer proceeds hand in hand with science, but you’ve been telling us that we may face in the future a new variant that could be not only more infectious but also more harmful, when every virology manual excludes that this may happen in nature. So, do you have any anticipations about new laboratory-made viruses arriving on our continent? I go back to the sms issue. As I said before, we are in a pandemic frame, we are in a situation never seen before, times never seen before, so sometimes the messages go through the phone instead of a normal office.


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